Setup tools to develop Windows8 Metro-style Apps

Are you trying to understand Metro App development & need to try your hands on developing some cold Windows 8 Metro Apps? Learn what are the tools necessary to start with Windows 8 Metro App development.

Metro Style Apps are the new kind of Apps, designed for Touch based computing devices like Tablet PCs. In the event you are an App developer who create apps for various platforms like Windows, Android or iOS, you may need to try your hands on Windows 8 Metro Apps. Microsoft expects majority of the future Windows apps to be developed as Metro Apps.

Tools for developing Windows 8 Metro Apps

To start developing Windows 8 Metro Style Apps, you need a few tools & utilities.

The first gizmo you need to create Metro Apps is, Windows 8 itself. To create & check Metro Apps, you need to put in Windows 8 in of your development computers.

Like you can write a C# application using notepad & compile using tools through the command prompt, you can do the same for Metro Apps as well. However, using such raw methods to create the apps may take several times more efforts than using a number of the productivity tools from Microsoft.

Visual Studio 2012: IDE to create Windows 8 Metro Apps

Visual Studio 2012 is the integrated development platform from Microsoft that let you create Windows 8 Metro Style Apps fast. It provides various drag & drop options to quickly create Metro Apps.

Visual Studio is not a free program, but you can receive a light weight version of Visual Studio 2012 free. The free edition of Visual Studio is called "Visual Studio Express". Although a number of the advanced features are missing in the Express edition, it's everything you need to start with Windows 8 Metro App development.

Metro App SDK, Design Tools, sample apps, Live SDK & more

In addition to the Visual Studio to create Metro Apps, Microsoft offers a Program Development Kit & various other SDKs to help you create advanced features & integrate your Apps with other services. In the event you are using Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition, the Windows SDK is already included with it & you do not need to put in it separately.


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