Ten Word Stories:The Collection

Ten Word Stories:The Collection

   1. Bob Mason drove his car and laughed, then he crashed.

   2. Captain Felrore sailed the seas, but then his ship capsized.

   3. A barber in Timbuktoo accidentaly cut off too much hair.

   4. This one guy named zumb, jumed on four trampolines happily.

   5. Jill loved trees, so he went up one and fell.

   6. Dogs love jumping off buildings, until they break their

   7. This guy named steve, drank milk out of blue cups.

   8. Ants are scary and so are cats, but not hippos!

   9. Happy people do happy things, except for when they choke.

   10.Cayotes are cool i think, but they are not green!

   11.Phillip went walking one day, and he came home limping.

   12.Some people talk alot, and some people do not.

   13.That morning, people heard gunshots, but 'twas really Sam

   14.A pro basketball player fell, then he had a concussion.

   15.Flies think they are smart, but so do fly swatters.

   16.Old fogie's at camp, and to that I say kofl.

   17.You're cool, you're smart, so celebrate with a daily fart.

   18. maneeri cansikov got shot in the leg, he said ouch.

   19. the first quiz practice is this sunday some people came.

   20. a whole bunch of people went to care group tonight

   21. jill sent an email and Zumb laughed for 37 minutes

   22. people wanted to watch survivor and go to care group.

   23. zumb had to get off computer so he sent email.

   24. Bob was amputated, arms and legs, then he coughed.

   25. Samantha Mary Talbott was a pro swimmer, then she drowned.

   26. Shamous Fléor built green houses, until they were painted

   27. Fred coughed in a crowd of 47 then 'twas contagious.

   28. Gwindi and jill played redemption then they both coughed

   29. This one guy painted a house and he laughed aloud.

   30. An emu from Timbuktoo smiled before eating his mothers cake.

   31. Greg's playing baseball, he thinks he's good! Then he fell.

   32. This one girl joined quizzing and did very very well.

   33. That same girl is old, though young but a fogie.

   34. his name starts with "Z", A good friend is he!

   35. Fly high spy guy, and hum with your pink dog.

   36. I am a neon fly, he is a big gnat.

   37. Big Red's horse was happy, until he had a heart-attack.

   38. There are people quite dumb, but the opposite is Zumb.

   39. Jill climbed a blue hill, yet being coulour-blind 'twas red.

   40. People with canes are smart because they'd chew on mold.

   41. Luke was a good writer a bible book he wrote.

   42.These words jill spake, "Thank you for being my friend."

   43. Jill, the name that gets knocked into "cough" "cough"

   44. bedrock, cement, rock, cherries, pomegrenates, ricecakes,
   girafes, green
   elephant flower.

   45. I am wearing your hat! No wait, it is mine.

   46. Zumb quizzed out seventeen times while watching seven
   television programs.

   47. Kinnid saw purple monkey dishwashers while pulling out a

   48. Zumb ate fourty-seven peanut butter and ketchup sandwiches

   49. Jill loves llamas and has his very own at home.

   50. Kinnid found pictures of last year at Dallas valley camp.

   51. a CEO made a very important decision at his bussiness

   52. a golf club had a sale: golf for free possibly.

   53. a kid jumped off the diving board doing belly flops.


   55. The survivor series finished off with the winner a

   56. a kid made a pot of jello and a mess.

   57. Zumb Oggo decided that he could not finish this email.

   58. steven cracked a joke and everybody in the room laughed. (or

   59.treating your parents with honor is good for your health.
   (ephesians 6:2)

   60. a kid played soccer and he did well scoring points.

   61. an email was sent by Zumb that had 61 stories.

   62. a spaceship had a very good navigator until it crashed.

   63. Wow, said the blue dog, my house just fell apart!

   64. You might think my eyes are green! But you're colour-blind!

   65. The noisy old man yelled "Ruffles quit barking already!!

   66. The sad man decided to be happy, so he grinned.

   67. The deaf replaced their ears with styrofoam, they recieved

   68. Bobby couldn't see so he wiped mud off his eyes.

   69. Sam was hot so then he left the blazing fire.

   70. One day, Henry awoke. Then laughed because he was tired.

   71. Felror's sad because he likes pork. But he's a pig.

   72. Randolf climbed a tall mountain, then fell because he

   73. The zookeeper loved animals, then was bitten by a bear.

   74. The tree-climber quit his job, then laughed in his

   75. Youth group is fun. Go there sometime, you can jump!

   76. Freddy was numb, so he got out of the ice.

   78. Crazy-Jean just laughed. Because she heard jokes that were

   79.Zumb read the last half of Luke two times already.

   80.Jill is very smart he is so smart that he did...

   81.a chicken is a very good animal it always eats.(except for
   when it doesn't)

   82.penguins are very smart because they have absolutely no

   83.penguins also never kill themselves for absolutely no reason

   84.in the looming face of danger someone said "your ugly".(to
   the face of danger)

   85.there was once someone who lived on a dairy farm.

   86. there was also someone named dirk who went on Survivor.

   87. Llamas ride hummingbirds far across the horizon. What
   wonderful creatures.

   88. Bob was to be killed. So he reminded the king. (because the king was too

   89. Bernard Penner played guitar. He was very very very good.

   90. Before being beheaded frederic yelled loudly "You all smell filthy!"

   91. Because of termites, Aunt May fell through the parlour floor.

   92. Clocks are an amazing invention, and so was the telephone.

   93. Jill was not yet finished reading luke, so he yawned.

   94. Jill was thankful for his church friends, so he laughed.

   95. Penguins live in cold places, and they eat fish regularly.

   96. Writing books is fun, especially when writing ten word stories.

   97. Quizzing is great for learning about god, come and join!

   98. Eric the Red was a viking, he sailed on longboats.

   99. Henry laughed too much, so he became a laughing comedian.

   100. When fighting off the enemy troops the captain yelled "Ahoy!"


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